As of 1 August 2021, Mr. Camiel Eurlings has been appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of Bonaire International Airport N.V. Mr. Eurlings brings expertise in the field of aviation and governance and has an extensive track record; for example, he was Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management and CEO of KLM. Mr. Eurlings has held various supervisory positions.
In the private field, for example, he was a supervisor at American Express Global Business Travel and GOL Airlines. At the intersection of public and private, as a member of the government at the time, he was ultimately responsible for supervisory bodies at organizations such as Air Traffic Control of the Netherlands, the Central Bureau on Driving Skills (CBR) and the Rijksdienst Wegverkeer.
Mr. Eurlings was nominated by the Supervisory Board after an intensive procedure in which more than 60 interested persons took part. With the appointment of Mr. Eurlings, the Supervisory Board now consists of three members: besides Mr. Eurlings, these are Angel Bermudez and Marco van de Kreeke (chairman). BIA is very pleased with the appointment of Mr. Eurlings and looks forward to a pleasant and successful collaboration.