We invite you to delve into the wonderful activities the island offers, both terrestrial and marine, which makes Bonaire a unique destination. We encourage you to explore, to enjoy, to become a part of Bonaire, absorbing our nature, our culture, and our cuisine. The warmth from the sunshine is here for all to enjoy while on Bonaire, but you will cherish the afterglow of the Bonairean people in your hearts forever. We assure you that “Once a Visitor Always a Friend”.
More information about Bonaire can be found on the official Tourism Corporation Bonaire website.
Tourism BonaireBonaire also offers a wide variety of tourism-related web sites, so that those contemplating a visit to Bonaire may learn more. We hope you enjoy and are able to use some of the following links to general information websites about Bonaire:
InfoBonaire, the Bonaire Information Site
The Bonaire Insider, a tourism news blog highlighting current events, news, and offerings
BONHATA, The Bonaire Hotel & Tourism Association, Bonaire’s largest hospitality organization
STINAPA, the National Parks Foundation administering the Bonaire National Marine Park and Washington-Slagbaai National Park
Weather Underground, providing weather forecasts for Bonaire
Openbaar Lichaam Bonaire, the island’s local governmental body
Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland, the island’s federal governmental body